Customer Case Studies
From single-agency to statewide deployments
We love our customers and work hard every day to make sure our solutions are living up to (and hopefully, exceeding!) their expectations. Here, we give them the spotlight and highlight how they have implemented and used our solutions to enhance and streamline their daily efforts.
Pennsylvania Capital Area: A Bring Your Own System Approach to Data Sharing
The Capital Area Police Exchange (CAPE) affords 33 agencies real-time unified search and sharing across their diverse Records Management System (RMS) platforms. This article explores a unique approach adopted by Dauphin and Cumberland Counties that allows contributing agencies to share data, regardless of the RMS system they use.
Three PDs discuss: Intelligence-led Policing Starts with an Intelligent RMS
Intelligence-led Policing Starts with an Intelligent RMS. Learn how 3 FBINAA graduates have used CODY RMS to make their agencies smarter, more proactive, and more data-driven
Northern Texas Emergency Communications Center: PSAP Consolidation - Creating unified access and query for better response time
PSAP consolidation has myriad challenges, not the least of which is the 'how' as it pertains to streamlining the process of getting info from all the RMS agency systems in a time effective manner to aid in better response times. NTECC found its solution using COBRAnet unified access and query technology.
Pennsylvania SuperCOBRA: Building a Secure Statewide Police Records Data-Sharing Network
Pennsylvania: Building a Secure Statewide Police Records Data-Sharing Network.
Ocean City, NJ PD -- Municipal RMS/CAD Solution
CODY RMS/CAD customer Ocean City New Jersey Police Department talks CODY and how it helped them weather Superstorm Sandy.
WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife -- State-wide RMS Anywhere and Disparate Data Integration
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife use CODY RMS anywhere.
State of Missouri -- State-wide Law Enforcement Data Exchange forms the core of the Missouri Data Exchange, creating a stable, independent disparate data core to help the state reach its data exchange, sharing, fusion, and integration goals now and in the future.
Clinton County, PA -- County Hosted and Campus Safety RMS/Info Sharing
Learn how Clinton County, Pennsylvania implemented a centrally hosted record-sharing solution to share information across the county, including Lock Haven University RMS.