Foundation-first data integration, sharing and exchange
The Core is the nexus of the solution. All data translation, synchronization, exchange, publications and queries are managed and brokered through the Core. Through's open architecture that allows an organization to 'bolt on' whatever tools it needs to perform its data driven missions, the Core truly becomes the clearinghouse and foundation for an organization's (or group of agencies') future-proofed data integration strategy.
Future-proofed Data Integration Freedom:
Because the Core is fully tool and data-source agnostic, it provides an organization with 100% future-proofed data integration. Through our bring your own tools (BYOT) approach, organizations can 'bolt-on' whatever tools they currently have to the shared data made available through the Core. Further, should the organization decide to switch tools, need to also send data to federal reporting databases (such as NIBRS or N-DEx) or wish to add additional tools to fulfill different purposes, the Core can allow the organization to seamlessly add the additional tools or data feeds WITHOUT the need to go back and do all the data integration again.
Total Data-Source Level Security and Access Control:
Data Integration and Data Security are truly two sides of the same coin. Without security, data integration goes nowhere and has no value. Through the flexible, governance and business-rules driven data security system built into the Core, all data-source owners can retain complete, granular, field-level control over access to their data. Through's revolutionary 'segregated data source' approach, at NO time, for any reason, is any data-source's data EVER commingled or 'mixed up' with another data-source's data. Further, each data-source owner is provided with access to an administration utility that allows the owner to administer access to his/her data, as well as managing his/her users.
Real-time Data Availability Across Sources:
With the Core, data can be made available in real-time to any query tools or publication events that are set-up for any given deployment's business rules. From the instant the data is available to the Core, it can be available in real-time to all users, tools, services and publication events.
Data Source Disaster Recovery:
Due to the Core's unique hybrid private (agency-hosted) cloud architecture, should a data-source experience a total loss, due to disaster, any and all data shared with from the data-source can be used to help rebuild the source. Because the Core does not ever commingle any shared data across data sources, can quickly make useful data available to the data-source owner in the event of an emergency.
Feed Multiple External Systems Simultaneously:
With's BYOT approach, an organization can send shared data from across all data sources to any number of upstream destinations, simultaneously, regardless of the data structure and validation demands of each destination. For example, from one Core, a state can submit validated N-DEx/NIBRS data to the FBI, send state-wide incarceration status information to the Dept. of Social Services, publish data to the State's incumbent visual analysis tool provider and allow a statistical reporting application to query the Core directly through our documented API.
Fully Documented API:
Not only can publish data in any combination of formats and protocols, but by leveraging our fully documented API, an organization's IT professionals can integrate direct queries of the Core into their other web services or software applications. This powerful toolset provides access to all the Core functionalities in a straight-forward and standards-based manner (SOA and RESTful web services). Our C.tac Unified Search App uses the API to attach to the Core. With the API, an organization can even further extend its return on investment by making shared data available on its own terms, anywhere.