COBRAnet Specific Use-cases

State-wide RMS sharing, Fusion Centers, Intel...


COBRAnet is not hard-coded for any specific data set, domain or type of agency. Purpose-built to be adaptable and extensible, it forms the foundation for a wide array of different data-driven missions; equally at home integrating and cross-referencing hundreds of different vendors' RMS systems for a state-wide law enforcement sharing network as it is cross-referencing corrections and social services data to prevent fraud in benefits and providing Fusion Centers with instant AOR-wide subject workups for RFIs.

A sample of some specific use-cases for COBRAnet is below but is by no means exhaustive.  Essentially, if you have data across silos or system, whether you are a single organization with multiple silos of data, or a consortium of agencies looking to share data, COBRAnet can help you.


Specific Use-Case Examples:


Real-time State-wide Law Enforcement RMS Information Sharing Network:

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Automated Police Exchange (CAPE) is a great example of how COBRAnet can make what many believe impossible, a successful reality.  In partnership with the PA Chiefs of Police Association, CAPE provides real-time, cloud-based access to the authorized RMS data from 300+ law enforcement agencies across 20+ counties in PA.  With a strong collaborative governance model and CJIS-cloud architecture, COBRAnet provides the Core foundation, ExpressBridge connectors and Search App for CAPE. Beyond just RMS, CAPE also integrates pawn data, and is continuously growing to add other sources.


Real-time RMS sharing for County/Regional Public Safety & Justice:

This is where COBRAnet was born, and remains a primary force multiplier for county and region-wide data sharing efforts. Counties across the United States use COBRAnet to power regional law enforcement and justice sharing networks, arming officers and deputies in the field, along with investigators with up-to-the-second information on persons, incidents, locations, vehicles, warrants, and more, from across jurisdictions, regardless of the RMS providers used by participating agencies. COBRAnet also powers paperless data exchange with justice agencies, including incident report hand-ups to prosecutors, centralized eBooking and IBRS reporting.


Fuel a Fusion Center with true 'one stop search' and N-DEx:

The Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC) leverages COBRAnet to fuel multiple different systems with data from across their entire AOR, to provide instant one-stop search for law enforcement and analysts, as well as interoperablity with N-DEx and the NCRIC's analysis tools.  WIth over 80 diverse data sources from local RMS, county CADs, multiple county prosecutors, probation, state corrections and more, COBRAnet's independent core is on full display, even integrating legacy data from the NCRIC's legacy Palintir system.


Enhance Data-driven EEOC Performance and Law Enforcement Collaboration

The North Texas Emergency Communications Center (NTECC) uses COBRAnet to provide real-time actionable inteligence to responding officers across the AOR of five cities in the Dallas-Forth Worth metro area.  All 5 cities' RMS systems and municipal warrants systems are connected in real-time providinig both telecommunicators and law enforcement with access to live warrants (with signatures) and integrated warrant confirmation with TCIC.  Investigators at all 5 cities also use the Search App to provide cross-AOR inteligence, speed investigations and enhance collaboration and de-confliction.


Single, state-wide unified data feed to N-DEx, NIBRS, SAR, etc...

States (and other consortiums) can use COBRAnet to consolidate, homogenize and aggregate data from across all local, county and State agencies and send a unified stream simultaneously to N-DEx, NIBRS, State IBRS, SAR, and any other federal (or other) system, respecting each external systems' individual validation, conditional edits and data standards (NIEM, LEx, etc.).  This aggregation works regardless of the individual systems in place at all the participating agencies.


Mitigate Unemployment Waste for State Dept of Labor:

One of our state clients used COBRAnet to help them stop sending unemployment checks out to recipients who were not eligible for unemployment due to being incarcerated. Before deploying COBRAnet, the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations had no data visibility into the custody status of inmates across the State's 100+ county jails, municipal facilities and the State's department of Corrections facilities.  By leveraging COBRAnet, the State was able to link in to all of the 100+ correctional facility databases across the State for constantly refreshed and up-to-date information on the custody status of every inmate, and cross-reference this data-stream with the unemployment check runs.With this technology now in place, the State is able to get a much clearer picture of the eligibility for each recipient, and can drastically reduce the waste created by sending checks that should not be issued.


Enhance cross-domain awareness for State Social, Family and Health Services:

State Social Services agencies are increasingly being tasked with breaking down the various silos of data that persist across their multi-domain responsiblities.  From food stamps, to family services, child support, TANF, Healthcare, etc., COBRAnet can assist social services agencies with achieving total information transparency across these different programs, to provide an integrated view of each citizen's relationship with all services and fueling external analysis tools. This drastically improves cross-domain awareness, leading to dramatically improved services and cost effectiveness.


Achieve a single-view of a person's interaction with Government (or Private Corporation):

Due to COBRAnet's unique non-destructive integration across disparate data sources, government (municipal / county / state / nation), or a private corporation with multiple subsidiaries, can pierce through the barriers presented by their silos of information locked in different data sources, to see a single, unified, simple view of ALL interaction, data, links, etc. that a given person (or other entity) has with their organization.  This is particularly useful for government trying to better serve its citizens by having total awareness of each citizen's interaction with government, including:

  • what benefits they are receiving
  • what services they are taking advantage of
  • what volunteer work they have done in service to the government
  • what licenses they have
  • their healthcare data
  • interaction with criminal justice
  • and more

Most governments in the 21st century have this sort of data, but it is typically 'siloed' and does not interact with the other data sources.  COBRAnet changes that by allowing government (or a private corporation) to see, with ONE unified, clear picture, all data on a given person in one place, so that government can better serve its citizens in a Data Driven way.


Help State Government Painlessly Transition from Legacy Mainframe Systems:

With COBRAnet's architecture, state governments faced with the daunting task of migrating from legacy mainframe systems to new modern data management systems are using COBRAnet to help make the transition more manageable.  With COBRAnet acting as a broker to data previously locked in mainframe data formats/systems, agencies can now more efficiently and painlessly make the much-needed move from the mainframe to modern relational systems on their own terms, all while opening up and using the vast wealth of data stored in these legacy systems.